Spinning Babies® and Private Birth Preparation

As one of the only Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educators in the UK, I can help you to find comfort and ease in pregnancy, labour and birth.

You may have heard of Spinning Babies®  in the context of ‘turning’ a breech baby head down. Although that is one important aspect of the Spinning Babies®  method, everyone can benefit from the techniques which are designed to work with physiology to enable more comfort in pregnancy and ease in labour and birth.

According to founder Gail Tully, “Spinning Babies®  is a physiological approach to preparing for and caring for birth.”

“During birth, babies descend through the pelvis by turning to fit each curve in the passage. Baby’s turns are “foetal rotation.” If foetal rotation can be made easier, birth is easier for everyone.”

Led by my passion for physiological birth, I’ve trained extensively with Spinning Babies®  and am one of the few Spinning Babies Certified Parent Educators® (SBCPE®) in the UK, learning directly from founder Gail Tully and lead trainer Jennifer Walker.

As a SBCPE® I can offer the Spinning Babies Parent Class®  which in addition to key positions that bring balance to the body and create space for baby, features a system of simple movements, stretches and exercises known as the Daily Essentials which, if practiced regularly, can pave the way to a more enjoyable pregnancy and an easier, shorter labour and birth.

I also offer various Spinning Babies-based sessions including 

  • Baby Positioning guiding you through simple stretches, movements and positions to help baby find a more desirable position for birth. 

  • Breech Sequence taking you through the Spinning Babies Breech Sequence, highlighting the finer tips and tweaks not fully explained on the website.

  • Private Birth Preparation Workshops 1-2-1 version of the group workshop, tailored to your needs.

  • Spinning Babies Parent Education Class is £150 for 2.5/3 hrs, I come to your home and bring all props and handouts for reference.

  • Baby Positioning and Breech Sequence Private Sessions are £75 for 60-75 mins, I come to your home and bring all props and handouts for reference.

  • Private Birth Preparation Workshops are £150 for 2.5/3 hrs I come to your home and bring all props and handouts for reference.

Contact me for more information or to book.

Spinning Babies® Parent Education Class (two hours) £150 per couple, at your home.

I will bring all props with me, plus a pack of Spinning Babies® handouts that accompany the class.

Please email me with any questions or to book a session. More information about Spinning Babies® can be found on their website.